So as a Thank You to my loyal clients and soon to be loyal clients, I have created a Rewards Club. To keep track of rewards I am asking you to sign up by email :
In the subject please say you would like to be part of my Rewards Club!
Put your mailing address & phone number in the email, I promise not to share your information with anyone.
I will send you the reward card by snail mail.
What rewards do you get with the Rewards Club?
- Coupons in your snail mailbox for deals only Club members will get.
- A Rewards Card. Every time you have a session I will mark your card. Mini sessions will have one point, full sessions two points. After every 5 points you will earn your choice of either a mini sessions with four pictures from the session sent to your email with rights to print OR your next full session fee waved. The Free sessions do not count towards your next reward. All Rewards must be used before 12/20/15
- A set of referral cards. After your first session of the new year I will print out referral cards for you. Make sure you have your friends and family bring in the referral card at their session so you can get rewarded. Rewards only count for new referrals. Every referral you bring to me will earn you a free 8x10 print. I will send you an email after every session that shows me your card. In that email I will let you know where you are at in my referral program. You can save up your referral prints and upgrade your reward to a larger print, I will go more into that once you have earned enough rewards to upgrade. You must use your referral prints by 12/20/15.
So sign up today so you can start your rewards early! Card is effective starting October 25th!