Monday, August 26, 2013

You must exist in photos for your children.....

I feel family portraits are extremely important!  I look back at my own childhood and see that we never had a professional family portrait.  We had a few snaps shots over the years, but never something that was hung on the wall.   Since my father passed away (7 years ago) all I think about is making sure I have portraits that my kids can look back at and say, "that is me and my Mom!"

I am offering online gift vouchers for a Family Photo Sessions that are booked for October and November ONLY.  Your Family Photo Session must have Parent(s) and kids.   This voucher will get you a Family Photo Session with no prints.  A minimum print purchase of $100 is required.  (with this voucher you will save $150)

If you would like to book an October Family Photo Session and get this Gift Voucher you must email me ASAP!   Booking for October Sessions until September 30th.


  1. Were you watching the CL course with Sue & Kelly? I was. I'm a Chicago area photographer, and am just getting my "Exist" content up. I love that you're offering a voucher. I think I might do the same! Best of luck!

  2. Best of luck to you too! Yes I watched the CL course and she is 100% right!
