1. Watching children grow up, it is SO crazy how children change from year to year. I LOVE seeing it. I always love to look back at clients past portraits before their new session comes up just so I can see how much the kids have changed from year to year.
2. The fast baby fix that I can hand back. I once wanted 5 children. After I had my 3rd I changed my mind. Every now and then I say to myself "maybe just one more" because you start to forget how much work babies are. Then I have a newborn session get the joys of a new baby for a few hours and then hand the baby back to Mom or Dad. Don't miss the late baby nights ;) !
3. Fun things kids will say and do at my sessions. I have a fart machine and LOVE to see the reactions some kids give for it. (that reminds me, it wasn't working around Christmas time. I need to see if it is the batteries or if I need a new one.)
There are many MANY more reasons but that is just a few.