Monday, February 7, 2011

Don't miss out on this.....

Just sending out a reminder about my 100 "likes" special that ends May 11th! You don't want to miss this!  I will not offer 50% off session fees again this calendar year!

What is a typical session like? 

I do not like to rush my sessions so I schedule my day so there is about 2 hours of time just for that family.

   I LOVE the nontraditional style of photo journalistic photography, it shows who you and your family are.  So I lean more to that style when I am taking your portraits.  I do some traditional portraits but that style isn't what made me start my journey in photography.  I will pose you and your family but then ask you to move a bit to make the pose your own, this tends to make everyone more comfortable. 

I will ask children to be silly and make faces for a few portraits, this way I can get some beautiful smiles later.  I might even get silly and make faces or fall down to get a laugh or two for some great portraits. 

What should I wear?

If you can't decide what to wear just select a few outfits, bring the unique too and I can help decide what clothes will photograph best for each child, and yourself!

I feel newborns are captured best with as little clothing as possible.  Don't be afraid to bring your own personal props for you little one too!    For little girls (and even teens) tutus are fun!  If it is mostly photographs of our toddler child a dress up box is fun too.  Just let me know and I will have large ties, hats, tutus and hair accessories on hand for some cute portraits.    Trendy clothes work well for older children. Solid colors in middle tones work best, I would try to avoid wearing all white. This isn’t a huge no-no it is just recommended that you dress in something that’s shows more of your personality and your child’s personality. Fun aaccessories such as hats and scarves are encouraged, while logos, busy patterns, large stripes, and cartoon characters are not as they can detract from a portrait. 

What happens if it rains during my location portrait?

Don't let a little rain stop your portrait session!  If rain is in the forecast on your portrait day bring out the boots, raincoats and umbrellas.  Portraits in the rain can be beautiful!   We can start off in either your home or my studio then go out for some fun rain portraits.

What happens after my session?

After the shoot, each photograph is hand-edited and carefully processed. A sneak peek is posted 3-5 days after your session on both my blog and my facebook fan page.  Then about 3-5 days following your sneak peek I will send you a  link to a private online gallery.  Twenty to thirty finished images are presented in a custom gallery that is easily shared with friends and family. Galleries remain active for 10 days, this will give you and your family time to pick your favorite prints.   Prints are delivered within 1-2 weeks of ordering. Large prints or specialty prints can take up to 5 weeks.

How do I book a session?

You can either call me Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 9am-3pm OR email me at anytime.  I check my email at 8am and 10pm everyday.  Please keep in mind that some email accounts put my email in spam folder so if you haven't heard from me in 24 hours please check your spam folder. 

I am typically booked two to three weeks in advanced so it is important to call early to reserve a date. Your session fee must be received the day of your session.    If you are looking to have a newborn portrait session I ask that you contact while you are still pregnant so I can keep a few days open around your due date, since the best portraits for newborns are within the first 2 weeks.

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