Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Who is this lady behind OJW Studios?

Getting to know me....I think it is very important that you feel comfortable with me as your photographer.  So I asked some people to send me questions to answer for this post.  Things that people didn't know about me that I would like to share.  Here you go a few questions from friends.

Favorite vacation spot?

Disney World!  Only because I lived in Florida for most of my life.  Growing up my parents would take us as a family every October to Disney's Fort Wilderness Campground.  Then after my Dad passed away my Mom wanted to go to Disney again to make happy memories with her grand kids and so for 4 years straight we went to Disney almost every month with Grandma.  I do miss going, I think my kids miss it more than I do.

My second favorite vacation spot has to be the Dominican Republic, my husband and I had a wonderful vacation there 7 years ago.  The resort was wonderful, the beach was beautiful and we didn't take our kids so that made it heavenly. I did miss them after the 4th day.

Favorite drink?

I am a tea lover and my favorite flavors changes seasonally.  Summer I LOVE just Green Tea and light flavor teas.  Fall I enjoy Apple, Cinnamon and Pumpkin flavors.  Winter I LOVE Citrus and Orange flavors along with Hot Chocolate.  Then Spring I enjoy the fruity berry flavored teas.

Early Bird or Night Owl?

Definitely a night owl.  It is when I do my best editing.  All distractions are away, tv is off, kids are in bed.  It is just me and my computer doing what I love, editing photos.

Sadly I still have to wake up early to get the kids off to school, but sometimes I can squeeze in a nap here and there to make up for those late nights.

Favorite Book?

I love a good mystery.  I don't have any favorite book.  I did enjoy the Harry Potter books, Twilight books and Narnia books.  Those books I will read again when I don't have anything new to read.  The library is my favorite place to go, I can get a good mystery book and a few craft books to keep me busy on slow days.

Favorite Movie?

Not a lot of people know this about me....I went to school for Computer Animation.  Only changing my mind when I had one semester left. lol.   So I absolutely love all movies that have wonderful computer animation in them.  Transformers, Star Wars, The Matrix all had great graphics and All the Harry Potter movies.  Then there is my first computer animation love PIXAR!  All Pixar movies. 

Most embarrassing moment?

I love to forget them, but the one that stays with me happened when I was in the 5th grade.  I had to do an oral report.  I got up there spoke way to fast and by the time I was finished my teacher looked at me and said "Olivia, too short".  Not thinking right I scratched my head and looked down and said " but Mrs. Fisel, I have always been short".  Everyone laughed!  So for a few years I was called "Too Short Olivia".


Something else most people don't know about me.  I know how to play the flute, piano and drums.  I played my flute from the 5th grade until 8th grade.  Stopped only because I wanted art classes and I couldn't have both in high school.  Didn't have enough space in my schedule.  My grandfather on my mother's side taught me how to play the piano at an early age.  I think I was  4 or 5 when I really started to sit and listen to him play the piano by ear.  He didn't know how to read the sheet music but he could play anything he heard.  I started to bring over sheet music when I was about 7 or 8 and I would play when ever I could.  They lived only 5 minutes away at the time so we went over there a lot.  When I went into high school I took a piano class to further my learning on piano.   Then when I was 19 I took drum lessons and a year later I joined a small local band out there in Florida.  So for four years I played the drums and some keyboard with them (another girl and I would switch back and forth with the drums so we didn't get tired).  I left only to start my family.  Family life and the traveling drummer life didn't mix well with me. 

Now after all that there I didn't tell you what music I like.  I like everything.   Some styles of music more than others.  I enjoy music that I can listen to with my children around.  So John Myer, The Fray, Lifehouse and other bands like that top my list right now.  I do enjoy watching and listening to bands like St Valentine's Massacre live, but don't like to listen to them in my car or at my house.  Just something about the metal music that I can only enjoy it while watching the artists work.  Country music I don't know much about but I don't hate it.  My daughter and I both enjoy Taylor Swift.   Then when I am in a funky mood I will listen to Lady Gaga.  She has some fun dancing music, aka cleaning music.

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